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Outdoor Learning



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Our Intent

We believe that teaching across the curriculum should provide rich opportunities for children to develop their love of learning and explore the world in meaningful contexts, to ensure they can make real life links to their world beyond primary school and for future employment. It is imperative that our curriculum develops the whole child and nurtures the development of their individual personal, social and emotional well-being. At North Crescent, Learning Outside the Classroom will enable children to acquire knowledge and skills through memorable experiences, which are carefully planned to enhance their national curriculum coverage and spark an interest in the world around them. Learning Outside the Classroom will strengthen their understanding of the role they play as a global citizen.


‘A positive view of the world and high motivation are the keys to positive behaviour. A young person who is not motivated is unlikely to concentrate and learn effectively. Research evidence shows that Learning Outside the Classroom can have a powerfully motivating effect on young people and a beneficial impact on behaviour.’ CLOtC Website.



Our Implementation

Opportunities for LOtC are linked to the National Curriculum and are embedded into teacher's daily planning so that the environment around us can enhance the children's learning. We believe that Learning Outside the Classroom is an entitlement for all children. Therefore, teachers will provide planned, purposeful out of classroom activities which build on, extend and enhance children’s learning through the termly focus. Learning outside the classroom is most successful when it is an integral element of long-term curriculum planning and closely linked to follow up classroom activities.


Our Impact

LOtC will have an impact on our pupils so that they are able:

  • To have a greater range of experiences, some of which will be regular and planned for in a progressive way to provide stimulation and challenge.
  • To develop confidence in coping in different environments and the skills required for this. It is essential that communication skills are practised and applied in a range of situations and realistic contexts.
  • To learn new concepts with the support of a ‘real-world’ context.
  • To be motivated to learn as practical and sensory experiences prove most engaging and effective, thus driving progress.
  • To achieve personal growth and celebrate their own achievements e.g. through celebration assemblies and awards.